Practice Re-Branding
in New York City
Dr. Karlinsky of New Look New Life first came to us because she and her staff did not think they stood out in the crowded New York aesthetics market. We took a strategic deep dive into what they were projecting through their marketing and website; explored how they wanted to be perceived; and developed a branding strategy that would elevate their identity. They were and are a very upscale practice but their website and collateral materials made them look ordinary.
After we implemented the new branding and launched their new website, they saw a 40% growth in revenue the first year due to increased traffic and new higher profile patients. They are now attracting patients who can afford their top of the line services and this level of growth has been sustainable.
They have since built two additional locations, one of which is out of state. Over the last eight years, our creative team has held fast to the original branding we created but have evolved by incorporating new marketing trends. Importantly, theirĀ brochures, eblasts, invitations, and all marketing deliverables look like a member of their brand family.
Keeping your practice highly visible and consistently on target (like New Look New Life) is the goal for all good branding.

Custom Photography and Videography