Virtually everyone knows that having a presence on the web is a crucial component for a successful business, but what many don’t realize is that maintaining your site and staying current with the latest information is just as important.
Your website is your client’s first look at you, what you stand for, and what you are all about. If your site is stale, old, and awful, you can just imagine the kind of message that sends to potential customers.
Here are some of the most common indications that your website is in need of a redesign:
- Old school SEO practices like keyword-stuffed content. Visitors often come to a site for information, only to get confused when they run into phrases that are misplaced and don’t make any sense. These flaws stand out and cause your potential clients to look elsewhere. Google can also detect keyword stuffing and other “black hat” SEO practices, which will undoubtedly hurt your website’s visibility.
- Outdated information. It’s great to have information on your site, but if it’s out of date, it will make you look out of date. Mistakes and dated information are one of the biggest red flags to consumers and search engines alike.
- Complicated code. If a page takes too long to load because of large images or complicated code, you can expect a high bounce rate. People today want information, and they want it fast.
- Overly complex page titles and meta keywords. Simplicity and conciseness are key when attracting users and search engines. Titles will identify your page in search results and help users to know exactly what they are getting when they choose to read your page. Since it is so easy for users to search elsewhere, you cannot afford to have any confusing elements.
- Unattractive design. By catering to the beauty of your website, your patients will get the message that aesthetics is a priority to you. Your site may have outdated colors and fonts or overused and cliché stock images. The text may be too small for your visitors to read, or the contrast on your landing pages may be hard on the eyes, causing users to click away.
Our Findings
Over a period of several months, our team collected and analyzed data to determine the actual value of a website redesign. We found that, on average, a website redesign improved search engine traffic by 13.1 percent, which means that if your site were getting 1,000 visitors per month, a redesign would garner 131 more visitors. That’s 131 more chances for more business in just one month.
Why Does a Website Redesign Improve Search Engine Traffic?
Your goal should be to have a website that people can find, and once they find it, they can easily find the information they need. Our website redesigns appeal to both search engines as well as your target audience because:
- We build websites using clean code and a content management system (CMS) known as WordPress. This allows for pages to load quickly. Plus, the interface is very simple to use and will allow you to make edits easily.
- New websites, especially when they come from us, are given an initial round of optimization to perfect page titles on current and even future pages automatically! We then set up the XML sitemap to automatically notify Google for every page added.
- New websites typically have fresh, modern, well-written, and unique content. Our team of writers provides customized material – procedure pages, blog posts, and campaign pages – that will cater to your needs. They stay on top of the latest information and work with you to achieve content that is true to your voice.
- New sites are updated more frequently. New features and new content can be implemented that will keep your site fresh and relevant. The blog posts we create often include the latest trends in plastic surgery, a particular procedure you wish to focus on, or health and beauty tips that can appeal to a greater audience. The variety of content can draw in diverse traffic that will result in more leads.
If you’re ready for a website redesign or want to discuss how we can help you achieve your goals, please e-mail or give us a call at (888) 525-6360.