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Plastic Surgery Studios contributed an article in the Aesthetic Society News Summer 2021 edition (page 67) exploring how to use and maximize benefits from responsive search ads.
Local plastic surgeons often strive to reach the same patients in the same geographical area. Because of this, practice owners need to find a way to separate themselves and their practices from the rest of the pack.
Since digital marketing is the best way to expand and reach your potential customers/patients, it is important not only to be found on search engines (like Google) but also to stand out as the clear choice.
How Can Responsive Search Ads Help You?
Have you ever sat down to create an online ad only to realize you don’t know how to piece everything together?
Online marketing has become more sophisticated over the years. You may have a collection of great ideas for your current ad/promotion, but how do you know which will strike the right chord with your potential clients? Which headlines for the keywords will result in the most clicks? How much information is needed to get them from being online bystanders to active and motivated buyers? And even more, which combination of headline and description will hit the sweet spot for each ad group in each campaign?
These are questions many business/practice owners have faced when trying to expand their audience and grow their number of conversions. Fortunately, responsive search ads take away some of the unknown actions and testing you need to do to reach your goal..
What Is a Responsive Search Ad?
Google created responsive search ads to help you maximize benefits from your online ads in your account. These ads allow you to test different combinations of headlines and descriptions to determine which mash-up hits the best note.
By creating variations, RSAs allow you to provide more relevant information to your potential customers, which helps your marketing efforts skyrocket.
How Do Responsive Search Ads Work?
Google relies on machine learning for its RSAs. This technology automatically identifies the combinations for the search queries that received the most interaction from the people, and it tailors ads to that information. The goal is to provide the best ad combinations for every search query to increase the CTR.
Responsive search ads are targeted to your location, your potential customers’ locations, or your locations of interest.
RSAs Take Away the Grunt Work and Maximize Results
Before responsive search ads, you had to create several ads with different combinations of headlines and descriptions. That takes time and effort you may not have as a practice owner.
Now, you no longer have to worry about repeating your work. Google’s AI does the grunt work for you. All you have to do is provide them with the information you wish to convey.
To create a responsive search ad:
- Select the responsive search ad option on Google
- Enter multiple headlines (between 3 and 15)
- Create descriptions (between 2 and 4)
With this, Google’s AI can generate up to 40,000 variations of your ad — and you don’t have to lift a finger!
Advertisers who switch to responsive search ads from expanded text ads typically receive 7% more conversions at a similar cost per conversion.
Google’s Move to Responsive Search Ads
Responsive search ads became the default ad type for all Search campaigns in Google Ads in February 2021. Starting June 30, 2022, RSAs will be the only Search ad type that can be created or edited in standard Search campaigns.
Important Note From Google About Expanded Text Ads:
Effective June 30, 2022, you’ll no longer be able to create or edit expanded text ads. These types of ads will continue to serve, and you’ll still be able to view reports on their performance. You’ll also continue to be able to pause and resume your expanded text ads or remove them if needed.
Google strongly encourages you to transition to responsive search ads.
Don’t Miss Out on Reaping the Benefit of RSAs!
If you are looking to advertise on Google, RSAs are the way to go. If you have any questions about the creation process, contact Plastic Surgery Studios today. Give a call at (888) 525-6360 or fill out our online contact form, and one of our skilled SEO experts will assist you.